Thank you so much to the talented hexers out there who have let me adopt these babies <3
Hexed by: Tax, via Whiskerwick Halloween Swap 2015
Holy heck, I'm so lucky to have been given this guy. I have a special spot in my heart for dragons and he came with that name - Skyrim is one of my favourite games! :D
Hexed by: Pinto, via Whiskerwick
I found myself with a credit for the prize box at Whiskerwick, and I had to nab this guy! He's so different, so handsome. He's just such a unique character and I love his almost german-shepherdness.
Hexed by: Jess @ PRU
I love this guy's colour scheme and paintball work, and those chewable cheeks, ugh! He's a timid little boy, but I'm so very fond of him and am lucky to have him :D
Hexed by: Pinto
I popped a wanted thread up at Whiskerwick for a Steenbok; a gorgeous little African deer I first discovered on a David Attenborough documentary (hence the name). Pinto was kind enough to hex me this adorable guy <3 He's incredible.
Hexed by: Tax
Aaaah Tax asked me to trade and how could I possibly say no to this faaaaace? Chinese crested dogs aren't my favourite, but this hex definitely is :)
Hexed by: Kika @ Setheac
I have wanted an enchanted poodle FOREVER. When I made Kika up a banner and avatar for her site, and she offered a hexie in return, I nearly died... actually I might have, and went to heaven, because this guy is bliss :D
Hexed by: Delighy

HOLY just OMG, this guy is THE MOST amazing cat EVER. I'm a little biased, because he's my only naturally raised hexie so far, so I'm super attached to this munchkin. I love Delighy's hexes and have hoped to have one forever! He even comes equipped with his own eyeshines! :D
Hexed by: Cyove Blacksummer
Cyove was adopting out some of her wonderful hexies, so I decided I had to try for this girl. The body mods on her are incredible, she's so unique.
Hexed by: Fall
This guy is far too cute. I kinda swapped Fall a Mabari War Hound for this dude, and he's such a character. I love his colour sheme, his markings, his plumpness, everything :)
Hexed by: Star @ Vampyre
A present I unwrapped under the PUGS Holiday Tree... Oh that squishy face and that crackled, lava-like texture just makes me so happy. She's my first no-grow too! ^_^
Hexed by: Kika @ Setheac
Kika hexed Coral for me as a prize for placing third in her Halloween hexing competition at the RKC. I was thrilled to have just placed, but to get offered a pick of her archive? Someone send me a bucket for my drool, please. Kika very patiently tweaked the colours just right for me <3 I'm just super psyched every time I bring Coral out to play. She's beautiful!
Hexed by: Me
I love this little girl. She was one of my first experiments with extensive textured paintballs and I just fell in love with those big grey eyes and little button nose.
Hexed by: Kristen @ SPK
Another Winter Swap pet! :) Gah, look at those wee little jingle bells on that harness! And the antlers! Those addballs must have taken forever. He's far too amazing for his own good - I swear he must be sick of me trying to brush his antlers XP
Hexed by: Vaporeonshit
Managed to snap this crazy little maine coon man off PUGS, and boy, I think he's amazing! Just his haphazard nature, the care that's been taken in hexing those fine lines, those ears,
that arrow through his middle!!
Hexed by: Lollypop on RKC
Eve was a cat I received in the RKC's 2014 Halloween swap, hosted by Valerie. There is something ridiculously, stupidly cute about this amazing cat. Each time I think she can't get any cuter, she just does. That pink nose, those pretty eyes and that mottled coat are beyond cute, especially when she's doing tricks for treats! That's right, did I mention she's a Halloween themed cat, that does tricks for treats? *Squeals at the serendipity*
Hexed by: Silvertabby @ The RKC
I grabbed Flash off PUGS; the first hexie I purchased over there. Something about him just drew me in; I love his gorgeous big green eyes and those sexy legs. Love this goofball so much <3
Hexed by: Tax
I found myself with a credit for the prize box at Whiskerwick, and I had to nab this guy! He's so different, so handsome. He's just such a unique character and I love his almost german-shepherdness.
Hexed by: Cyove Blacksummer @ The RKC
This guy never fails to make me laugh, he's such a character! Those perfect ears, little feet and the face kill me every time. I applied for him via the RKC and I couldn't be happier with him. My first wildz hexie, and I adore that angry little face... though don't let that fool you, he has a heart of gold <3
Hexed by: Silvertabby @ The RKC
I received Holly through the RKC Winter Swap, and I'm so pleased with her. I'm a sucker for red dogz and her colour scheme is just so perfect! I have to fight urges to hug my computer screen every time I bring her out :P
Hexed by: Georgie @ Writtle
I won this guy in a raffle! O.o I couldn't believe my luck, I never win anything. Apparently, my luck is changing, because I've admired Georgie's style for so long and to finally own a hex that is so quintessentially 'Georgie' is amazing.
Hexed by: Sinnie @ Amphigory
Oh lordie. I have a thing for chubby cats, and this guy takes the cake, literally XD AND OMG HE HAS A UNI-HORN!! *ahem* I was so lucky to snag this guy in the RKC Winter Swap, he's so loveable! But seriously, did you see that horn? O.o
Hexed by: Pinto
I have never seen such an interesting use of textureless colour on a hex before! I don't usually like it but this kitty is beyond lovely.
Hexed by: Pinto
Oh oh oh oh. Just what? I snagged this guy from the prize box at Whiskerwick and I'm still in shock :P I love him so so much, it's not funny.
Hexed by: Emma @ Loser
Luna is just epic :) I won her on PA back when it was still running (OMG I loved that site), and she was the first hexie I owned (apart from my own). She's goofy and vibrant and holds a very special place in my heart.
Hexed by: Me
I was making nostalgic hexes for the 20th anniversary of Petz, and I just so happened to create a litter for WW. I fell in love and ended up making one for myself. He's such a character <3
Hexed by: Lily @ Wild Abyss of Angels
I can honestly say I have never been this nervous applying for a hexie, because I was so madly in love with it. I'd seen Lily's Mewbells on her site and was taken immediately; the colour of this cat and those stripes blew my mind! I waited until I'd had more practise hexing so I'd have a better chance, and traded a Europa kitty for her. Sooooo pretty! :)
Hexed by: Silvertabby @ The RKC
I know Mist is a first generation hexie, but I consider him Holly's brother anyway. They grew up together after all, and get along so well, which is lovely ^_^ He's so perfect; his simple colouring, that texture and the fuzz just work so well together.
Hexed by: Domino (RKC)
Words cannot express how awesome this dog is! I'd never applied for a hexie before, but when I came across Domino's hexing service on the RKC forum, I thought I might try to grab a spot. Low and behold, I did, and Munchies was hexed for me! I am so thankful and thrilled to have him as part of my crew and can't believe the effort that went into him. He's absolutely covered in spots! :D
Hexed by: Amber @ Flummery
Namia was the first pet I'd successfully applied for through someone's hexie archive. What can I say but Amber is seriously good at hexing? :) Namia is so different to anything else I have, and I love her quirky Meezer personality. She's such a precious little girl and I'm so proud to have her!
Hexed by: Kika @ Setheac
This guy is so freaking adorable. I get the warm fuzzies every time I bring him out. For some reason, he persistently has the hiccups, which is the most endearing trait I've ever seen in a pet. He makes my day, every day.
Hexed by: Me
I was so taken with Winston that I needed to hex him a friend! Very pleased with his colour combination :) They look so good together XD
Hexed by: Tax
This guy's 'Anubite' ears and the use of the tartan texture make him so cool! I really love his design! <3
Hexed by: Skissors @ Checkerboard
I applied for Quince over at the RKC and Skissors was kind enough to hex him for me, on a calico base to boot! <3 To me, there's nothing greater than one of those cute, button-nose oshie faces with a happy expression. And those big eyes and the speckled wizard texture... please excuse me while I surreptitiously wipe drool from my chin.
Hexed by: Jess @ PetzRus
Jess traded me Rori for one of my Carbonara danes, and I'm thrilled :) I don't have many bullies in my crew and Rori is just so hilariously endearing. She's either charging around the screen, tractor style, or inquisitively inspecting everything! She's just amazing, AND has my favourite eye colour!
Hexed by: Me!
I was playing around in Petworkshop for no particuar reason, and I came up with this guy. He makes me happy <3 If you're wondering about the name, the TV show of the same name was playing in the background at the time :P
Hexed by: Lila on RKC
Another kitty from the Halloween swap. You know how your face can ache from smiling too much? Well I'd already been grinning like an idiot over my swap petzies, and then, last but not least for me to meet was Uhoh. Yeah, I had a pretty sore face by the time I was done playing with this girl :D I adore her textures, and it's safe to say I don't have any halfie catz! The mismatched eyes make me melt, too.
Hexed by: Ashley@FK
Vienna was an MPA from Pinto, which I couldn't resist! The spotwork and the long black stockings sold me; she's just gorgeous!
Hexed by: Lu @ Patchouli
I won Winston in an auction at WW. He's the first pig I've had, ever, and I adore him! He's a tonne of fun and I've since hexed myself piggy friends for him to play with.
Hexed by: Barguestspirit, via RKC
This dog's colour contrast/combination rocks my entire world! :D Zinc was the last one of his litter and I couldn't believe that I managed to snaffle him up. He's just so well made <3